Meet Sensational Soul Singer
Tracy Cruz
Tracy Cruz
TC: I started singing when I was 2 years old. My mother and grandmother were both active singers and performers and they were ones who first vitalized my love for singing. I remember hearing them sing all the time-it didn't matter where they were or what they were doing. My grandfathers were my first audience members. They also strongly encouraged me by asking me to perform for them in exchange for money. I've been performing for 19 years now and I've been loving every minute of it!
MP: Is Tracy Cruz your real name as well as your stage name? If not, what is your real name? What made you choose Tracy Cruz as a stage name? (P.S. - we LOVE it!)
TC: Thank you so much for your kind words! :) Yes it is my real birth name. My name changed when I got married so now it's Tracy Ross. However, I have chosen to stick with Tracy Cruz because I have used that name since the first day I started performing. Keeping my original name reminds me how long I've been on this journey and it motivates me to continue moving forward. My two names allow me to differentiate between the two sides of my life. When it comes to music and business, I'm known as Tracy Cruz but to my family and friends, I'm Tracy Ross.
MP: We took a listen to your music, and it sounds so positive! What or who inspires you to write and record the way you do?
TC: I do my best to create and share positive music. I always want to write and record music that my children can listen to. I'm inspired by God, my husband Allen, my son, my daughter, my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my brother, my students, my fellow artists, life, joy, pain, dreams, lessons, blessings, and more. I always pull from my own personal experiences or experiences that I've seen others go through. What you hear and see is "life" music from the "soul".
TC: I do my best to create and share positive music. I always want to write and record music that my children can listen to. I'm inspired by God, my husband Allen, my son, my daughter, my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my brother, my students, my fellow artists, life, joy, pain, dreams, lessons, blessings, and more. I always pull from my own personal experiences or experiences that I've seen others go through. What you hear and see is "life" music from the "soul".
MP: Do you think you will stay in the soul genre or branch out to others as well?
TC: I do want to stay in the Soul genre; however, I've already started to infuse other styles into my songs such as Classical, Electronic, Jazz, and so forth. You can hear this creative concoction in my latest album "Universoul Symphony" For my future projects, I do plan on adding more layers of various soundscapes. My creativity output highly depends on the evolution of my artistry.
MP: Have you worked with any prestigious names so far? If so, who?

MP: Anything new/exciting coming in 2013 that The MC Magazine can get an exclusive sneak about?
TC: I just released a new music video "Joyful Rain" and revamped my website Also, I have released a new music video biography I plan on releasing a couple more music videos and a remix album for my album "Universoul Symphony". Lastly, I will be writing and recording for my next album.
MP: Where can your fans and new listeners keep in touch with you and your music?
Thank you Tracy for an awesome, authentic interview! We wish you best of success of your musical journey!
Brought to you by @Priceless_Promo + @MicaParris