MP: How long have you been doing nails and when did you get started?
RM: I have been doing nails for 24 years now. I got started after I decided I was on the wrong path and decided to learn a trade that interested me, by total accident.
MP: Your name, Robin Moses Nail Art, did you come up with that, or did a family member, friend or client suggest that?
RM: I wanted my name to be in my title because I want to be a teacher, not a blogger who shows their work. I believe blogging is important and wonderful, but I do this ONLY to teach others.
MP: The nail industry, is very competitive, what separates you from your competitors?

MP: What is your favorite part of owning and operating your own business?
RM: I can wear my pajamas to work, I can cuss, scream, do laundry, dance, watch stories, movies, listen to new music, whatever I want while I am at work.
MP: We see that you are a youtube phenom, with over 87,000 subscribers, and over 15 MILLION views! That's incredible! What made you start taking the nail art to the tube?
RM: Thank you! I came online JUST to make YouTube videos and teach my art to the next generation. For 20 years I have worked alone in a room by myself. I have never had a vacation, I have never gone and visited anywhere really and I wanted to GIVE my teachings in return for others spreading the word of my name so that I can make extra money on Youtube and free-up time to paint canvas (my first dream that I gave up on when I was very young because I was on the wrong path) and to travel and teach art both on YouTube and in seminars for the future. (I am hoping with people like you this can happen for me......and for others looking to learn art).
MP: Have you worked with any prestigious names so far? If so, who?
RM: Too many to list. I don't like to talk about that. I am a private person and I respect their privacy as well. I will say that my clients are VERY colorful and wonderful people with great backgrounds and stories that you would NOT expect. LOL.
MP: Anything new/exciting coming up in 2013 that The MC Magazine can get an exclusive sneak about?

Thank you so much, Robin!
See below for some of Robin Moses' Nail Art Portolfio:
All of my designs are copyrighted. Using Robin Moses Nail Art images without giving credit is an infringement. If you copy picture to post or share, please state: "Inspired by Robin Moses" as way to bi-pass any infringements of copyrights.
Want to know Robin's most asked questions? Watch this video here:
Here is how you can stay connected with Robin Moses:
Instagram: robinmosesnailart
Brought to you by @Priceless_Promo & @MicaParris